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NASA Gives Up: Lucy Mission Suspending Further Solar Array Deployment Activities

NASA's Lucy Mission Hit with Setback: Suspension of Solar Array Deployment Activities

NASA has announced that it will be suspending further deployment activities for the solar arrays on the Lucy mission spacecraft. The mission, which is set to explore Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, was launched in October 2021 and was expected to deploy its solar arrays in December of the same year.

NASA's Lucy Mission Hit with Setback: Suspension of Solar Array Deployment Activities

The decision to suspend deployment activities was made after engineers discovered a problem with the solar array deployment mechanism. According to NASA, the issue is related to a gear that controls the deployment of the arrays. The space agency has stated that the problem is not related to the design of the solar arrays themselves, and that the arrays are in good condition. Despite the setback, NASA remains optimistic about the future of the Lucy mission. The spacecraft is still on track to begin its exploration of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids in 2025, and the mission team is currently working on a plan to deploy the solar arrays at a later date.

The Lucy mission is a groundbreaking endeavor that will explore a previously unexplored region of the solar system. The Trojan asteroids are a group of asteroids that orbit the sun in the same orbit as Jupiter, and are thought to hold clues about the formation of the solar system. By studying these asteroids, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of the early solar system and the conditions that led to the formation of the planets.

The Lucy mission is a collaboration between NASA and the Southwest Research Institute, and is part of NASA's New Frontiers program, which is designed to explore the solar system's most promising destinations. Despite the suspension of solar array deployment activities, the mission team is committed to ensuring that the Lucy spacecraft is ready for its exploration of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids in 2025.

While the suspension of solar array deployment activities is disappointing, it is a reminder of the challenges that come with space exploration. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the NASA and Southwest Research Institute team that they are able to work through these challenges and keep the Lucy mission on track. We look forward to seeing the exciting scientific discoveries that the Lucy mission will bring in the coming years.

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